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Female Pelvis Model, 3 Parts
Female Pelvis Model, 3 Parts - Dr Wong Anatomy
Female Pelvis Model, 3 Parts - Dr Wong Anatomy
Female Pelvis Model, 3 Parts - Dr Wong Anatomy
  • SKU: DWAOR873

Female Pelvis Model, 3 Parts

£112.90 £132.90

▪ This life size model, composed of 3 parts, shows an open dissection through the median sagittal section of the pelvis.

▪ Internal structures of the female urogenital system are portrayed in great detail.

▪ Removable parts include half of the female reproductive system with the uterus opened to reveal medial and transverse sectional views.


Size: 30×20×28cm

▪ Each Dr Wong Anatomy model is individually assembled and completed by skilled craftsmen separately.

▪ Benefit from the attention to detail, the product has an outstanding natural appearance.

▪ All models were developed in co-operation with scientific institutions.

▪ Quality Control for scientific accuracy, durability, painting and function.

▪ Offers a no-hassle 3-year warranty.
3 Year Warranty